Listen to our Best Music For 2024 Playlist
Aug. 17, 2023

Jumping in a Lake With Your Friends

Jumping in a Lake With Your Friends

Dave and Caleb make one last splash before summer comes to a close by determining the best album for jumping in a lake with your friends, including a surprise album that neither of them like all that much. Can an album be a 'best album for' if it has 5 killer tracks and a ton of filler? They also discuss why rock music production from the last 20+ years all kind of sounds the same, and how that affects the mood of a party as opposed to music from every decade prior to 2000 that transports us back to a specific time and place. Plus, what's the value of interludes and skits on albums and much more.

Music discussed today:

Future Islands - Singles

The Killers - Hot Fuss

Duran Duran - Rio

Taylor Swift - 1989

Fleetwood Mac - Rumors

Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, MAAD City

Restraining Order - Locked in Time